Friday, October 23, 2009

Why do we fail on diets???

My first question is why do I don't keep my diet promises???

When I was first diagonised with diabetes, do you know how much weight I lost, 20 pounds in 12 months, at that time I again became pregnant with my son and I increased only what I have to during the pregnancy. I was looking great after my delivery too.

I breastfed my son for 14 months, so I have to eat, organize home, cook, drop and pick up my daughter in the preschool etc.. my weight is increased by 10 pounds, before I realised.. and to 15 and to 20 pounds increase when my son was 25 months old. Now he is 5 years old, started Kindergarten, but the Mommy remained the same.

I am again on DIET, but what happened my son was sick last week, couldn't keep up with my diet gained 1 pound, 2 birthday parties, one festival and then my birthday. We have to celebrate all these. Get to gethers are very important part of social life and always it revolves around the food, often it is not the food that you are eating when you are in diet. Right from appetizers to dessert. If I don't eat my sugar levels will be down, so I have to eat.

What to do, workout, workout.. don't over do it.

Some things works for me is planning ahead for meals. Eating at right time, hydrating myself often. Otherwise for thirst I eat.. not good.

The 1500 calorie diet my nutritionist gave me:
Breakfast: 3 servings of carbs, 1 dairy, 1 protein serving
mid morning: free foods ( carb free)
Lunch: 3 carbs, 2 protein, 1 fruits, 2 veggies
afternoon snack: 1 fruit
Dinner: 3 carbs, 1 protein, 1 dairy, 2 veggies.

Am I sticking to it. No, I can say it passes more than that.


  1. What does 3 servings of carb equal to? it is 3 cups? 1 diary maybe one cup milk and one protein maybe one omelette?

  2. One serving of carb is 15g of carbihydrate. One protein is like 7g of protein in the nutrition facts labels.
